Lenyasja Breckenridge
Ask Mystic Alchemist 666
Professional Spiritual Life Coach
Select your option
Receive a personalized video message or a shoutout.
Get a personalized video message. Shoutouts for Birthdays, when you need an encouraging word or Special Occasions.
I’ll answer any question! Ask away!
What are questions you have always wanted to ask? Just Ask me any question you can possibly think of.
I’ll give you a piece of advice.
Just Ask me for a recommendation, guidance, an opinion or a suggestion. Allow me to give you some genuine and honest advice.
I’ll Be Your Confidant
I’ll sit ad talk to you about whatever you like for one hour only
100 Affirmations
I’ll give you a customized list of affirmations to help you in areas such as confidence, self love, wealth, health, healing
Take your pick from one of these.
30 minutes Coaching Session
I will coach you for thirty minutes on one topic of your choosing.
Please keep it related to spiritual healing, growth and advancement.
Hour Long Coaching Session
I will coach you on one topic of your choosing for one hour.
Please keep it related to spiritual healing, growth and advancement.
One Month Spiritual Coach Session
I coach you for one full month on any area of your choosing as it pertains to your spiritual growth and ascension.
Self Love
Career Change
Romantic Relationships
Empath Counseling
Or any spiritual area you wish to improve.
Distance Reiki Healings
I will heal you balance your chakras from a distance. I will cleanse and clear you of all negative energy that lingers within your energetic field.
*Must Allow and be open to change*
If you are a current or previous client and you enjoy or enjoyed your time spent with me, are appreciative of your counseling, advising and consultations please leave a love offering.